California DUI SR22 Insurance

California DUI SR22 Insurance

California DUI SR22 Insurance

Understanding SR-22 Insurance Requirements in California

Overview of SR-22 Insurance

The law in California requires certain drivers to obtain an SR-22 insurance certificate and maintain it for a period of time.  An SR-22 is a certification from an insurance company that certifies that you are insured in California and they know of the DMV action that requires this SR-22.  If you are convicted of a DUI in a California Court or the DMV takes action against your driving privileges based on its own administrative proceedings, you will be required to obtain and maintain an SR-22 certificate and maintain it for three full years.  This may be required by the DMV even if you are never convicted in Court. This document is filed with the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) by the insurance company electronically on behalf of the driver.

When is SR-22 Insurance Required?

SR-22 insurance is mandated in California under several circumstances. Most commonly, it is required for individuals who have been convicted of DUI offenses or the DMV’s Administrative Per Se hearing determined that you were driving with a 0.08 blood alcohol level.  However, it may also be necessary for drivers with multiple traffic violations, those involved in certain accidents, or individuals whose driving privileges have been suspended or revoked.

Duration of SR-22 Insurance

In California, the time a driver is required to file an SR-22 is normally 3 years from the date of the driver’s license reinstatement following a suspension by the DMV. However, this period can be extended if the driver fails to comply with the SR-22 requirements, such as by allowing the policy to lapse. It is crucial for drivers to adhere to the SR-22 mandate throughout the entire period to avoid additional penalties.

Costs and Insurance Implications

The cost of SR-22 insurance can be higher than standard car insurance due to the perceived risk associated with drivers who have committed serious infractions. Insurance companies often view these drivers as high-risk, which can lead to increased premiums. The actual cost varies depending on the driver’s record, the insurer, and other factors such as the type of vehicle and coverage limits.

For those without a vehicle, it is still possible to obtain SR-22 insurance by securing a non-owner policy, which provides liability coverage for drivers who do not own a car but still need to meet state insurance requirements so you can drive any vehicle.  You must understand that if you do not obtain an SR-22 when required by the California Department of Motor Vehicles, your driver’s license will remain suspended or revoked until you obtain such a policy.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failing to maintain SR-22 insurance or allowing the policy to lapse can result in severe consequences. The DMV will be notified if the SR-22 policy is canceled or terminated, leading to potential suspension or revocation of the driver’s license.  The DMV may suspend your driver’s license immediately if the SR-22 lapses, and the driver may not be informed until they receive a notice in the mail, and this may result in additional ons. Additionally, drivers may face extended periods of required SR-22 coverage or additional fines.

Obtaining and Removing SR-22 Insurance

To obtain an SR-22 insurance certificate, the driver must first contact an insurance provider, who will file the SR-22 form with the DMV. It is essential to ensure that the policy remains active throughout the required period. If a driver wishes to remove the SR-22 requirement before the completion of the mandated period, they must demonstrate compliance with all requirements and potentially receive approval from the DMV to end the SR-22 obligation.  The DMV cannot shorten SR-22 periods that are mandated by the law.

Finding Insurance After a DUI

Despite the challenges of finding insurance after a DUI, it is possible to secure coverage. Insurance companies that specialize in high-risk drivers may offer SR-22 insurance, though the premiums might be higher. Drivers should compare quotes from different insurers and consider working with an insurance agent who can help find the best options available.

Long-Term Impact on Insurance and Driving Record

A DUI conviction and the associated SR-22 requirement can have a lasting impact on a driver’s insurance rates and driving record. Insurance premiums are likely to remain elevated for several years following a DUI conviction, reflecting the increased risk. The  DUI conviction itself will remain on the driver’s record for 10-12 years. This can affect insurance rates and driving privileges beyond the filing period of the SR-22.


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