Stephanie Linton
Stephanie Linton
I am a skilled litigator with over 8 years criminal defense experience. I have litigated cases through trial in all 4 of San Bernardino County’s criminal courthouses and Barstow traffic court with favorable results. I am a passionate advocate and have handled everything from infractions to life cases including 3 strike cases, attempted murder with firearm enhancements, gang cases, and child sex crimes.
In addition to trial success, I have successfully litigated both misdemeanor and felony speedy trail motions, motions to suppress, and Miranda violations. I believe in holistic representation and have successfully had charges dismissed through court diversion, Mental Health diversion, and Veteran’s diversion. In addition to pre-trial and trial litigation, I have written and argued appeals and have successful worked on post-conviction hearings getting charges reduced/dismissed or sentences lowered after conviction.